
Our blog at Boston Made Pets is a treasure trove of information for pet owners. We cover a wide range of topics related to pet care, from nutrition and exercise to training tips and behavioral issues. Our blog is written by seasoned professionals in the pet industry who have a deep understanding of what pets need to live happy and healthy lives. you’re Whether a new pet owner or a seasoned pro, we’re confident that you’ll find something of value on our blog. Be sure to check it out for the insights latest and advice on pet care!

Holiday: Holiday Travel Tips With Your Dog

A big part of the holidays is the holiday travel as you are going from one place to another to celebrate with friends and family. If you are like most people in the United States, you probably have to travel at least a few hours to celebrate with your nearest and...

Hanukkah: 8 Great Gifts and Treats For Dogs

Hanukkah is an extraordinary time of the year for those of the Jewish faith, including eight days of celebration in the month of December. This is often called Hanukkah but is also known as the Festival of Lights. If this is something that you celebrate, you may want...

Celebrating Thanksgiving: 5 Ways to Spoil Your Pup on Turkey Day

The holidays are all about celebrating time with family and friends and anyone who is special in your life. For dog owners, a very important aspect of their life usually involves their pup, so it makes sense that you would want to include your pup when celebrating...

Popular Dog Breeds and How to Choose the Right Fit For You

If you want to get a new dog, you need to make sure you do your research to find the best dog breeds. There are dozens of dog breeds out there, but there are a few that always come to the top of the list when it comes to popularity.   It is essential to research these...

Pet Parent To-Do List For Healthy Dogs: Autumn Edition

Autumn is a wonderful time that many pet parents enjoy, but it does come with a change in routine. To have healthy dogs, you need to make sure you are adapting their routine and care depending on their surroundings.   With autumn comes a change in temperature and...
Holiday: Holiday Travel Tips With Your Dog

Holiday: Holiday Travel Tips With Your Dog

A big part of the holidays is the holiday travel as you are going from one place to another to celebrate with friends and family. If you are like most people in the United States, you probably have to travel at least a few hours to celebrate with your nearest and...

Hanukkah: 8 Great Gifts and Treats For Dogs

Hanukkah: 8 Great Gifts and Treats For Dogs

Hanukkah is an extraordinary time of the year for those of the Jewish faith, including eight days of celebration in the month of December. This is often called Hanukkah but is also known as the Festival of Lights. If this is something that you celebrate, you may want...

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